Te Kōpuretanga

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Scholarships

Discover opportunities to fuel your educational journey with our Te Kōpuretanga Scholarships.

Our scholarship applications are open from Monday, 17 March 2025, to Friday, 30 May 2025.

We encourage you to explore and apply for scholarships that align with your study goals and aspirations. Pay attention to the eligibility criteria and preference markers associated with each scholarship.

Apply now

Successful candidates will be notified by email and are invited to join us for the award ceremony in Kirikiriroa on Friday, 15 August 2025.

We understand the challenges that can come from juggling study with home life, mahi, and other responsibilities. We have multiple scholarships dedicated to helping ease financial pressure and support your academic ambitions.

Our scholarships have assisted many tauira over the years, all of whom demonstrated a commitment to educational success and a desire to give back to their whānau and communities.

Giving back is evident in the contribution made by the courageous leaders whose names we honour.

Te Kōpuretanga 2024 Recipients

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Te Tumuaki Rongo H Wetere Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Any

Preference given to: Tauira Māori who are the first in their whānau to study at a tertiary level.

Boy Mangu Mātauranga Māori Waharoa Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Angitu

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in any mātauranga Māori programme.

Te Pou Postgraduate Diploma Kaitiakitanga L8 Scholarship - $6000 x 10

Academic field: Social services

Preference given to: Any tauira enrolled in Postgraduate Diploma in Kaitiakitanga L8.

Dr Buck Nin Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Contemporary Māori art

Preference given to: Any tauira enrolled in Degree or Diploma in Rauangi.

Mike Watson Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Māori art

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in Degree or Diploma in Whakairo.

Rewi Panapa Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Social services

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in qualifications in Social work, supervision and community support.

Dr Diggeress Te Kanawa Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Toi

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in Degree or Diploma in Raranga.

Tāne Taylor Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Te Reo rangatira

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in Degree or Diploma in te reo Māori.

Te Hiringa Teaching Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Education

Preference given to: Any tauira enrolled in Degrees in Education.

He Waka Hiringa Scholarship - $5000

Academic field: Angitu

Preference given to: Tauira Māori enrolled in Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge.

Te Matatini Society Inc. Kapa Haka Scholarship Yr 1 - $5000

Academic field: Angitu

Tauira Māori or Pasifika enrolled in Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge focussing on Kapa Haka.

Te Matatini Society Inc. Kapa Haka Scholarship Yr 2 - $5000

Academic field: Angitu

Tauira Māori or Pasifika enrolled in Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge focussing on Kapa Haka.

Contact scholarships

Email scholarships@twoa.ac.nz

Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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