Delivery Modes

Take charge of your own learning and do it in a way that’s sustainable for you and your whānau.

Our tauira are studying in almost every situation you can imagine. You might be caring for tamariki (children) and kaumātua (elders), working, travelling, and busy with your community.

We know that the best learning happens when you drive it and you take responsibility for making it happen. We provide every support we can – only you can build learning time into your days.

You'll also need to consider and plan for your time and learning.

Directed learning

This is made up of two kinds of activities.

1. Kaiako directed learning hours

  • face to face with your kaiako (tutor) or other presenters
  • scheduled learning sessions, which might be online, in a studio, or lab
  • revision, practice, and assessment sessions.

2. Activity directed learning hours

  • doing activities your kaiako instructs you to do outside of class time
  • working through the activities in the programme resources outside of class time (like workbooks, audio, video, online activites)
  • working on assessments and doing required reading, practice, and research outside of class time (by yourself or in groups).

Contact student services

Contact your local student support advisor


Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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