Graduation is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your success.

Beginning in March, our graduation ceremonies, He Puāwaitanga, will be held across the motu for our tauira. These are a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge your achievement with the support of your whānau and/or friends.

He Puāwaitanga are a celebration of your achievements, and so at your ceremony, you will be invited to the stage to receive your tohu and take a photo with your kaiako. We'd like you to be comfortable, but also recognise the tikanga of the occasion and dress appropriately.

While we make every attempt to adhere to the programme schedule, these events can run over time as whānau and friends celebrate their loved ones. We encourage you to allow for extra time so you don't miss these significant moments.

Keep an eye out for your graduation email for more details.

Upcoming Graduations


Venue: Edgar Centre, Dunedin

116 Portsmouth Dr, Anderson Bay, Dunedin.

Saturday, 8 March

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am

Tāmaki Makaurau

Venue: Māngere Arts Centre, Auckland

125 Bader Drive, Māngere.

Ceremony 1: Kaitiakitanga

Wednesday, 12 March

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am

Ceremony 2: Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga

Wednesday, 12 March

Registration opens: 2.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 3.00pm

Ceremony 3: He Korowai Ākonga

Wednesday, 12 March

Registration opens: 7.00pm

Whakatau starts: 8.00pm


Venue: Omaka Marae, Blenheim

120 Aerodrome Road, Blenheim.

Saturday 22 March

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: McFaddens Centre

64 McFaddens Road, Christchurch (2 x ceremonies)

Ceremony 1: Saturday 29 March

Registration opens: 7.45am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 9.00am

Ceremony 2: Saturday 29 March

Registration opens: 11.45pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 1.00pm


Venue: Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua

17 Parumoana Street, Porirua.

Friday 4 April

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: New Plymouth International

Cnr Courtenay and Leach Streets, New Plymouth.

Friday 11 April

Registration opens: 5.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 6.00pm


Venue: Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro

14 Norman Senn Street, Kaitaia.

Monday 14 April

Registration opens: 5.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 5.45pm


Venue: Kaikohe War Memorial Hall

13 Memorial Avenue, Kaikohe.

Tuesday 15 April

Registration opens: 5.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 5.45pm


Venue: Mckay Stadium

97 Western Hills Drive, Whangarei.

Wednesday 16 April

Registration opens: 5.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 5.45pm


Venue: Gisborne War Memorial

159 Bright Street, Gisborne.

Wednesday 16 April

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Claudelands Event Centre

Cnr Brooklyn Rd & Heaphy Tce, Hamilton (3 x ceremonies)

Ceremony 1: Tuesday 29 April

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am

  • Te Reo Rangatira – Māori Language
    • Te Ara Reo Māori (He Pī Ka Pao)
    • Te Ara Reo Māori (He Pī Ka Rere)
    • Te Pūtaketanga o te Reo
    • Te Rōnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
    • Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
    • Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi

Ceremony 2: Tuesday 29 April

Registration opens: 1.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 2.00pm

  • Te Arawhānui – Business
    • Smart Steps to Business
    • Certificate in Money Management
    • Certificate in Small Business
  • Umanga – Professional Skills and Trades
    • Work Readiness Building & Construction
  • Hauora – Health & Fitness
    • Certificate in Tākaro, Sport & Exercise
    • Certificate in Rongoā
  • Angitū – Māori and Indigenous Development
    • Te Whāinga o te Ao Tikanga
    • Te Kunenga o Te Ao Tikanga
  • Toi – Māori and Indigenous Art
    • Toi Maruata
    • Kāwai Raupapa Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Art
    • Toi Paematua Diploma in Māori and Indigenous Art
  • Ratonga Pāpori – Social Services
    • Manaaki Tāngata Certificate in Bicultural Social Services
  • Te Hiringa – Education
    • He Puāwai – Certificate in Adult & Tertiary Teaching

Ceremony 3: Wednesday 30 April

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am

  • Toi – Māori and Indigenous Art
    • Maunga Kura Toi Bachelor of Māori Art (Rauangi)
  • Ratonga Pāpori – Social Services
    • Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work
    • Kaitiakitanga Postgraduate Diploma in Bicultural Professional Supervision
  • Te Hiringa – Education
    • He Korowai Ākonga Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching)
    • He Waka Hiringa Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge


Venue: Whanganui Jockey Club

19a Purnell Street, Whanganui.

Friday 2 May

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Bethlehem Baptist Church

90 Bethlehem Road, Tauranga.

Friday 2 May

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Toi Toi Event Centre

109 Hastings St, Hastings.

Friday 9 May

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Distinction Hotel Rotorua.

390 Fenton Street, Rotorua.

Friday 9 May

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Whakatāne Baptist Church.

67 Keepa Road, Whakatāne.

Wednesday 14 May

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Rautahi Marae.

117 Onslow Street, Kawerau.

Friday 16 May

Registration opens: 8.30am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Awapuni Racecourse.

67 Racecourse Road, Palmerston North.

Friday 16 May

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am


Venue: Opotiki Deluxe Theatre.

127 Church Street, Ōpōtiki.

Friday 23 May

Registration opens: 12.30pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 1.30pm

Tāmaki Makaurau

Venue: Church Unlimited.

3 Te Atatu Road, Glendene.

Ceremony 1: Monday 26 May

Registration opens: 12.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 1.00pm

Ceremony 2: Tuesday 27 May

Registration opens: 12.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 1.00pm

Ceremony 3: Wednesday 28 May

Registration opens: 12.00pm

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 1.00pm


Venue: Southern Institute of Technology.

133 Tay Street, Invercargill.

Saturday 6 September

Registration opens: 9.00am

Pōwhiri / Ceremony starts: 10.00am



As your programme draws to an end, you should make sure we have your correct contact details. You can check your address, phone number and email address by calling Tatau Pounamu on 0800 355 553 or by emailing

Tauira should check their contact details in 101. You can update your:

  • Address
  • Mobile
  • Email

This ensures we have the correct details to send your puāwaitanga invite and certificate to when these are available. We may also text, call, or email you if we are missing information or need to advise you of a change.

January - March

4 – 6 weeks before your graduation ceremony, you will receive an invitation to attend. You are not required to RSVP, but you will be advised how many guests you can bring with you.

The invitation will include details about when to arrive at the venue, what will happen during the event and when, and graduation kākāhu.

February - July

It’s time to attend your graduation ceremony, ka mau te wehi!

March - May

If you are unable to attend your graduation ceremony, your tohu will be sent to your address. This is why it’s important to update your details with us.


Academic dress / Regalia

Refers to the academic gown, and sash worn at Te Puāwaitanga.

Academic transcript

Record of study showing all your results.


When you officially receive your degree.


The blue, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, coat that is worn.


When you are eligible to graduate but have not had your qualification conferred / awarded.


Once your degree has been conferred or your certificate / diploma has been awarded.

In absentia

You will not be attending a graduation ceremony and instead receive your certificate by mail


Te Wānanga o Aotearoa staff member who assists graduands on the day of their ceremony to be in the right place at the right time.


The name of our graduate community at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.


Worn with gown.

2025 Graduation books

Click here to download our Te Kei graduation book

2024 Graduation books

Click here to download our Te Kei graduation book

Click here to download our Tāmaki Makaurau graduation book

Click here to download our Kawerau graduation book

Click here to download our Te Tai Tokeau graduation book

2023 Graduation books

Click here to download our Papaioea graduation book

Click here to download our Porirua graduation book

Click here to download our Ōpōtiki graduation book

Click here to download our Tainui graduation book

Click here to download our Te Taitokerau graduation book

Click here to download our Whirikoka graduation book

Click here to download our Te Waipounamu graduation book

Contact student services

Contact your local student support advisor


Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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We want your feedback

Let us know about your experience with our website. We'll take your feedback into consideration as we develop the site.