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A whakairo journey shaped by art and community
27 March 2025Murray ‘Muzz’ Green (Te Kanawa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Whatakaraka, Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Te Kiriwai, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Ngutū, Whānau-a-Apanui and Ngāti Porou) left school at 15 when he realised conventional education wasn’t for him.
Nāwai i tauira, kua kaiako
20 March 2025Ahakoa he rerekē noa atu te ao i tipu ake ai a Rob Bromley i tāna e mōhio nei i tēnei rā, nō te ohinga ake, ka rongo ia i tētahi hao ki te reo Māori.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa recognised as leader in Māori HR
10 March 2025Te Wānanga o Aotearoa was awarded the prestigious Mana Tangata Award at the 2025 NZ HR Excellence Awards on Thursday 27 February in Tāmaki Makaurau.
A kaiako who built more than a course
06 March 2025When Peter Waaka arrived in Queenstown many years ago, with a career spanning government work, hotel management, and Māori development teaching wasn’t on his radar. But life has a way of leading us in unexpected directions, and for Peter, that was helping tauira turn their business ideas into reality.
From Kaimahi to kaihaka – two journeys, one kaupapa
24 February 2025Explore the journeys of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaimahi Haimona Maruera and Maiterangi Collett as they prepare for Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga 2025. Discover their dedication to kapa haka, the support from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, and the significance of this prestigious event in showcasing traditional Māori performing arts.
Kaiako privileged to be guiding the next generation of social workers
13 February 2025Tracey Hall, kaiako of Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga – Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work (BBSW) in Tauranga, is reflective on her first year of teaching at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Curiosity ignites a journey of discovery through raranga
07 February 2025Maunga Kura Toi graduate, Tracey Dale, has been on a journey with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa that has helped her reconnect with her identity and find her voice in the world through raranga.
Evie O’Brien officially welcomed as new chief executive of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
29 January 2025Te Wānanga o Aotearoa proudly welcomed Evie O’Brien (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Maniapoto) with a stirring pōwhiri at the Te Awamutu head office\on Tuesday, 28 January.
Learning Waka Ama led to an unexpected future
23 January 2025Discover how Matt Tauroa's journey with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa's Waka Ama course led to a passion for the sport and a new career. Learn about his experiences, from earning a day skipper qualification to starting his own paddle and accessories shop, Manaaki Made. Explore the positive impact of Waka Ama on his life and how Te Wānanga o Aotearoa supports Māori sports and education.
Fellowship tops off big year for Te Manawahoukura Rangahau director
13 December 2024Te Manawahoukura director Dr Becky Kiddle (Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) has been awarded one of the premier research fellowships in New Zealand.
Persistence pays off for Tau Ora supreme champion Cindy Marsters
09 December 2024It took 14 years, but Facility Support Worker Cindy Marsters finally took home the Supreme Award in the annual Tau Ora health challenge at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Teaching: A gift that keeps on giving
4 December 2024Salote Panapa was on her way to study law at Victoria University when a plea from her church for more educators led her to change her career path.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa appoints Evie O’Brien as new Chief Executive
2 December 2024Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is pleased to announce the appointment of Evie O’Brien (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Maniapoto) as its new chief executive.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa backing our future stars
26 November 2024On Saturday, the 34th Trillian Trust Māori Sports Awards will be held at Mercury Baypark Arena in Mount Maunganui and for the sixth year, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is continuing its sponsorship of the Te Tamāhine-ā-Papatūānuku, the junior sportswoman award.
Recognition for Rangahau at Royal Society Te Apārangi Awards
25 November 20242 Te Wānanga o Aotearoa researchers have been recognised at the Royal Society Te Apārangi and the Health Research Council of New Zealand awards this week.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa unveils new programmes to strengthen Māori culture and language.
20 November 2024Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is excited to announce the launch of two innovative programmes aimed at preserving and revitalising te reo Māori and nurturing cultural heritage: Te Tohu Reo Rumaki and Te Tohu Tiaki Taonga.
Tauira thankful for wānanga support steeped in te ao Māori
20 November 2024Tauira Rawiri McLean says the support he received from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa while dealing with a family tragedy last year helped him achieve his study goal and progress to Te Pūtaketanga o te Reo, the Level 4 full immersion reo programme.
From setbacks to success for Police recruit, Jian Yao
12 November 2024It was third time lucky for Chinese New Zealander, Jian (Jay) Yao. He always knew he wanted to join the NZ Police but failed the psychometric test twice and thought he’d never be accepted.
Healthy future for Cook Island teacher
11 November 2024Teiā Mataara Potoru came to Aotearoa for her health, decided to fill her time with study and is now teaching at the country’s first Cook Island bilingual unit, at Mangere East Primary school in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Mahi toi exhibitions 2024
01 November 2024This October and November, our toi tauira from around the motu are showcasing their mahi toi. These free exhibitions held on our campuses or in the community highlight what tauira have been working on in their programme to whānau, friends, and the public.
Waiapu Road founder wins Māori Businesswomen’s Employment & Growth award
31 October 2024Congratulations to Jonique Oli, founder of Waiapu Road, for winning the 2024 Māori Businesswomen’s Employment & Growth award, sponsored by us! Her dedication and hard mahi have paid off, and we're proud to support her along her journey to success.
Husband and wife team secure major grant for ground-breaking research project
23 October 2024Husband and wife duo, Drs. Tim and Joni Angeli-Gordon are excited to take their research project to the next level after being awarded a significant grant from the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC).
An unexpected journey from volunteer to full-time teacher
3 October 2024The journey into primary teaching began unexpectedly for Princess Hirovanna while she was assisting at Māngere Bridge School as a volunteer.
Over 3 hours of travel to study reo Māori proves worthwhile for Northland tauira
01 October 2024To get to her reo Māori class, Jude Thompson travels an hour and a half by car and ferry each way, but she’s adamant that it’s all worth it.
Former tauira now teaching with heart
26 September 2024Since 2021, Emma Ralston-Wyllie has been a kaiako of first He Pī Ka Pao and then He Pī Ka Rere at the Waitākere campus of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Festival affirms why tauira champions te reo Māori for her whānau
19 September 2024In early August, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa tauira, Annetia Tautuku was privileged to travel with an ope from New Plymouth to attend Toitū te Reo in Heretaunga (Hastings).
English teacher's search for cultural identity sparks love for te reo Māori
12 September 2024English kaiako Cathy Purdie began her reo Māori journey in 1997, intending to uncover more about her cultural identity.
Celebrating heritage: Former toi tauira art debut in Ōtepoti
05 September 2024Former toi tauira, Ana Hislop and Emily Clemett, celebrated their first public gallery exhibition in Ōtepoti, launching their art careers in the south where their tīpuna are from.
From a hobby, to a passion, to a career
29 August 2024Sue Tipene (Ngai Tahu, Ngai Tūahuriri) has had a few career changes, but a passion for education has been at the core of each and every one.
There and back again for hauora kaiako
15 August 2024Lynette Ngaheu gave up a life of leisure in Ireland to return to Kawerau and says it was the best move she ever made.
Nurturing Māori culture and excellence in waka ama
08 August 2024As teams gear up for the International Va’a Federation (IVF) World Sprints, Elite J19 Men coach Patrick (Paddy) Harding-Rimene reflects on the invaluable support from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa which paved the route for his rangatahi squad.
Raranga changes future for study ‘sisters’
1 August 2024Learning the art of raranga may not seem like a life-changing activity, but for recent graduates Toni Kakau and Zelda Te Pairi, this practice has been exactly that.
Teaching dream becomes reality for resilient South Auckland mum
25 July 2024Tongan-born Tangi Katoa grew up watching her mum, Lineni Paea, teach, instilling in her a love of education and a passion for teaching.
Student’s thirst for knowledge leads to a diploma in Māori and Indigenous Art
18 July 2024Tereinamu Hakopa has a thirst for knowledge and is dedicated to sharing the knowledge she gains with those around her.
Northland rangatahi making strides in her reo Māori journey
11 July 2024By learning te reo Māori, 22-year-old Sophie Doyle hopes to be an example to her whānau and generations to come, embodying the vision of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, whānau transformation through education.
Sharing a Māori view of uku
2 July 2024In a creative field largely dominated by non-Māori artists, ceramicist Tracy Keith (Ngāpuhi) is always happy to educate others about how Māori view and use uku (clay).
Rotorua crew manager empowering women in forestry
24 June, 2024Truedy Taia is all about empowering women to achieve in a male-dominated industry. Truedy leads the first all-women crew for Rotorua-based forestry organisation, Mahi Rākau after being invited to start one a few years ago.
Art on show at curators’ wānanga
19 June 2024Around 40 Māori curators from museums, galleries, archives and museums gathered at O-Tāwhao Marae in Te Awamutu over the weekend for their annual hui aimed at networking, sharing knowledge and discussing how to grow Māori capacity in the sector.
Teen mum turned business owner with support from Wānanga youth programme
20 June 2024Falling pregnant at 15 was a big surprise for Paeroa teen Ella-Grace Tissingh, but with the support of the Youth Services programme at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, she’s managed to gain NCEA level 2, get her full license, and start up a successful business.
Raranga programme helps funeral director to connect with traditional cultural practices
06 June 2024Descended from a long line of undertakers, it’s no surprise that it was tangi that brought Delano Murray (Ngāti Kurī) to Heretaunga, where he’s a funeral director for Simplicity Funerals and studying Toi Paematua Level 5 in raranga with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Kawerau local lives out childhood dream of learning to weave
16 May 2024As a young girl, Barbara Wheto always had a fascination with harakeke and the art of weaving. But growing up in an era where being Māori and Māori culture were scorned upon, she was never encouraged to explore the art form.
Wānanga scholarship supports tauira in completing Master of Architecture thesis
09 May 2024The 2023 Dr. Buck Nin Memorial Scholarship recipient for Māori contemporary art was 23-year-old Antonia van Sitter, who put the funds towards completing her Master of Architecture thesis.
Rodney Whanga, Te Matatini Scholarship award winner
09 May 2024Mahia te mahi hei oranga whakatipu, hei oranga tuku iho mō te iwi, ahakoa ngā piere nuku o te wā. Ko Rodney Whanga o Tainui waka, nō ngā iwi o Ngāti Maniapoto me Waikato te whakatinanatanga o te kōrero nei.
University Associate Professor committed to reo Māori journey
08 May 2024Sondra Bacharach is no stranger to education. She currently teaches a university philosophy programme in Aotearoa and has experienced classroom environments as a student within the American, French and German education systems.
Inclusive and equal opportunities highlight for deaf tauira
06 May 2024In Porirua, Deaf tauira Tania Ali (Ngāti Tūwharetoa), recently walked the graduation stage to receive her Certificate in Small Business and Project Management.
Milestone achievement as kairangahau secures first ever Marsden for wānanga
01 May 2024Almost 3 months ago, Tara McAllister made the transition from mainstream academia to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, where she has taken on the role of Kairangahau Matua within the newly established Rangahau Centre, Te Manawahoukura.
Tāne creates legacy for his whānau by learning te reo Māori
24 April 2024From someone with no te reo Māori knowledge to now being able to speak te reo Māori all day, every day if he chose, Ruebin Reti has evolved into a beacon of inspiration.