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Princess Hirovanna

The journey into primary teaching began unexpectedly for Princess Hirovanna while she was assisting at Māngere Bridge School as a volunteer.

What started as helping in the classroom with reading, writing, and maths, soon turned into her studying He Korowai Ākonga, Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching) at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, after being encouraged by one of the schools' teachers.

“She (the teacher) noticed something in me that I didn't see within myself. She came up to me and asked if I had ever thought about teaching and told me that I was quite amazing with children. And now I’m a beginning teacher,” says Princess.

Princess began working towards the 3-year degree in 2021 and she quickly knew Te Wānanga o Aotearoa was the right place for her to be studying.

"What I loved is that compared to other institutions, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa felt like home. It didn't feel like I was studying at an institution because there's so much support from so many people. My cohort and I were extremely close, and we always stuck together and helped each other throughout the journey to get to the end. And I was blessed that I had 3 amazing kaiako.”

The transition from volunteer to full-time teaching has been seamless for Princess. She secured a teaching role back at Māngere Bridge School due to her deep-rooted connection with the school.

Although her whānau has a history with the school, Princess made sure she earned her teaching position on her own merit.

“I didn’t want them (the school) to just give me a job. I worked hard to show them what I've learnt from my study and how I can carry that through into my current position as a beginning teacher.”

As Princess reflects on her learning journey, she shares how she is grateful that she listened to those who encouraged her to take the leap and study teaching, and she expresses just how rewarding a career in teaching has been already.

“I am blessed with the best class ever. My kids are amazing and as well as that, I have an amazing mentor, syndicate team leader, and I'm placed in a school that truly supports me and cares about me.”

“The highlight for me is watching my class grow and learn. That's what makes my day. Even if it's just a small achievement, we celebrate. We celebrate big wins and small wins in my class. Seeing my kids achieve something is everything to me. So, if you’re thinking about doing a degree in teaching, just do it!”

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Published On: 3 October 2024

Article By: Cassia Ngaruhe

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