Peter Fletcher-Dobson

Pouwhakahaere Taupārongo

Peter is responsible for driving strategies that will help us adapt and evolve in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Position: Pouwhakahaere Taupārongo | Deputy Chief Executive (Digital & Information)

Qualifications: Te Wānanga o Raukawa Poupou Huia Re Reo Māori Level 4, BA (Hons) Politics, Diploma Journalism.

Peter has a strong background in transforming organisations through bold digital strategies, most recently in vocational and tertiary education, and before that was delivering digital transformations and products in financial services and telecommunications. Peter has a background of working with corporates and technology start-up companies and founded the first Fintech accelerator in Aotearoa. He spent 2 decades in the UK and in Aotearoa developing a deep respect for technology and its power to enhance and transform organisations. As Tangata Tiriti his passion lies in using digital technology and people-centred design to deliver equity for tangata whenua and to improve life for all people in Aotearoa.

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