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Te Wananga o Aotearoa Panui-Ako-Left

Ako Wananga Team


Hohepa Profile

Hohepa Elkington our previous Kairuruku Te Ihu has accepted a new role within Te Waenga as a Manager of Educational Delivery.  Hohepa commenced his new role on 9 November 2015.  We wish him all the best and know that he will continue to support Ako Wānanga, ngā mihi nui ki a Hohepa.



Ako Left Ako Right

Ko te kounga o te ako te take.

For quality living, learning and teaching



Ako Wānanga framework is a framework unique to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.  It is inspired by Te Kaupapa Matua o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and supported by Ngā Uara me Ngā Takepū.  Ako Wānanga consists of four primary huanga (attributes):


  • Whanaungatanga – Respectful relationships and connections;
  • Ako – Living, learning and teaching;
  • Aro – Reflective practice; and
  • Te Hiringa – Passion, motivation and spirit.

At the heart of Ako Wānanga is a commitment to nurturing transformative education and awesome ako experiences.  These are the essential components of Ako Wānanga, and when considered holistically, these concepts provide the philosophy and applied educational practice of excellence attributes for teaching and learning in Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.




To facilitate Ako Wānanga in pursuit of mauri ora. 

“Ko te kounga o te ako te take”

For quality living, learning and teaching


Our vision is that by 2020 all kaimahi will be engaged powerfully and meaningfully in the Ako Wānanga framework and all that it offers, and that each of us will be strong, self-reflective practitioners, empowered to realise our own fullest potential, to contribute to the success of others and to ensure the most awesome ako experiences for our ākonga.  Awesome Ako Experiences (ĀE) lead to educational success, which contributes to whānau transformation through education and ensures that the kaupapa of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is a living, applied kaupapa.




The Ako Wānanga Team is here to socialise this framework and support all kaimahi in exploring and utilising it in the pursuit of best practice through quality reflection and quality action. We are excited and look forward to playing a part in making contributions of consequence in our takiwā and across the whole organisation, ensuring that the kaupapa of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa lives in all of our practice.


Kairuruku Ako Wānanga - Te Kei Takiwā 

 Profile Aramoana

Tēna tātou e ngā kaimahi o Te Kei o te waka, koutou e whakapau kaha ana ki te hoe i ngā puke moana mō Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, kāre taku mihi e mimiti.

He uri ahau o Ngāi Tūhoe o Ngāti Porirua me te Whenua Moemoeā.

Kei Ōtautahi taku wāhi noho.

Ko au tētahi o te tokorua e pīkau ana e kairuruku ana mō tēnei kaupapa ātaahua o te Ako Wānanga.

Ko Aramoana Whakahoehoe ahau.

Koha kōrero: Kotahitanga - Passionate hearts committed to a shared vision can accomplish the possible

 Profile Karararina

Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi

Nō te whanga o Waipiro ahau

Ko Kararaina McLean ahau e tuku mihi uruhau ana ki a koutou e aumangea nei ki te kaupapa me ngā āhuatanga katoa o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

E hīkaka ana ahau kia noho tahi ai tātou, kia kōrero tahi ai tātou, kia whakawhiti whakaaro tahi ai tātou mō ngā āhuatanga o te mahi whakaako, o te mahi kauhau anō hoki.

E ngākau nui ana au ki te toha i ngā pūkenga kua akona e au i aku momo tūranga i kōnei, mei kore noa, he kupu āwhina āku, hei hāpai i a koe i tāu ake mahi. Nō reira, e tūwhera ana ōku ringa ki a koutou katoa.

Ko te āhuatanga pai ki ahau e hāngai ana ki te Ako Wānanga, he anga tēnei hei tautāwhi i a tātou kia whai mauri ora ai tātou i ā tātou mahi katoa.


Kairuruku Ako Wānanga - Te Waenga Takiwā

 Profile Ako 3

Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whakaue  

Ko te kounga o te ako te take! He mea whakatupu, he mea whāngai au kia whāia atu te mātauranga ahakoa te momo. Ko tētehi huarahi pai hei ako ko te haka, ko te waiata.  Ko ngēnei mea tonu te waka hei kawe i ngā tikanga, hei ako hoki i te reo arā ko taku whānau tēnā.  Ko te reo, ko te haka te kai i te ao, i te pō.  Nō reira, e kore rawa e mutu te ako!  Ko te wawata ia kia whāngaihia ngēnei mātauranga kua mau i roto i ngā tau ki ngā kaimahi o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Waihoki, he tauutuutu te mahi, koha atu, koha mai.  Kia ea ai te kōrero, mā tōu rourou, mā tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi, nō reira mahia te mahi, hei painga mō te iwi!

 Profile 4 He uri awau noo Ngaati Porou, Te Aitanga a Hauiti ki Ruamatua.  Ko te pai o weenei mahi o Te Ako Waananga ka whai waahi ai taatou ki te haapai i ngaa mahi tuku iho hai tiketike moo too maahunga.  Naa reira piki mai kake mai e hoa ma, kai eke ano te taumata o waau nei mahi ako 

Kairuruku Ako Wānanga - Te Ihu Takiwā

Profile 5  Kei te Taitokerau ahau e noho ana heoi, he uri ahau nō Ngāti Pōrou, Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngai Tai, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Awa me Maniapoto, Ko Hoeta Maxwell toku ingoa, e mīharo ana au ki te whai tēnei momo tūranga, ko te take, kia kawea te kaupapa o te Ako Wānanga e mātou ngā Kairuruku ki ngā kai-mahi o te Ihu Takiwā, he huarahi hou mō te nuinga o ngā kai-mahi o te Rohe nei, nō reira, mauri ora ki te Kaupapa o te Āko Wānanga!
Kia ora Ko Wiki Gillard taku ingoa, ko Nga Puhi taku iwi.  I work out of the Mangere office as a Kairuruku for the Te Ihu Takiwā. My background is in Education, Community Engagement and Community Development.

Pouturuki Ako Wānanga – Te Puna Mātauranga

 Profile Leah

Ko Leah Fitzpatrick tōku ingoa.   Nō Ngāti Pākehā ahau me ōku hononga ki a Ngāti Pikiao. 

Ki ahau nei, he ātaahua te kaupapa nei hei tautoko i te kaiako, i te kaimahi: tuatahi he mea whakamihi i ngā pūkenga ō tēnā, ō tēnā, tuarua he mea taunaki, he mea whakangungu, ā, ko ngā hua ka puta mai ki ngā ākonga, ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi - kāre e tua atu.  Ko te kounga o te ako, ko te kounga hoki o te aro ngā take, ā, mā te mahitahi e tutuki ai.  Kua hangaia te whare Ako Wānanga me huri nāianei ki te whakatinanahia ērā kupu whakamutunga o te tongi a Tāwhiao “Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki.”  Mauri ora te whāinga.  Hoake tātou! 


Pouturuki Ako Wānanga – Te Puna Mātauranga

 Profile 8

Ko Waikato me Maniapoto ooku iwi.

Ko Ngati Mahuta ki te hauaauru me Ngati Ngutu ooku hapuu

Ko Tahaaroa tooku haukainga

E mahi ana ahau ki Mangakotukutuku.

Ko Ruhia King ahau.

Ko te ahuatanga o tooku nei mahi;  he whakaoho i te hinengaro, i te tinana, i te wairua o nga kaimahi, me te whāriki i Te Kaupapa Matua o Te Waananga o Aotearoa.  Ko te kaitiakitanga o Te Kaupapa o Te Waananga o Aotearoa kei oo taatou ringa.  Noo reira maa te pono, maa te tika me te aroha ki te kaupapa, e tuutuki ai.


Kaiwhakarite Ako Wānanga – Te Puna Mātauranga

 Profile 9

Ko Maniapoto te iwi.

Ko Te Tokanganui a Noho te marae.

Ko Te Kuiti tooku haukainga, engari e noho ana au ki Te Awamutu.

Ko Raana Carston ahau.

I am part of the Akoranga Kaiwhakarite team based at Te Puna Mātauranga and am very privileged to be working alongside our Ako Wānanga team. 



  • Te Whāriki – six per year – To engage all kaimahi in Te Kaupapa Matua o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
  • UIA Wānanga 1:  Ko Au te Whare, Ko te Whare ko Au - Exploring the Ako Wānanga framework
    UIA Wānanga 2:  Koha Mai – Setting goals, finding support and making it happen
    UIA Wānanga 3:  Koha Atu - The shift and the sharing.  Articulating my Ako Wānanga journey
  • Aro Wānanga:    Tools for observation and self-reflection -
                                  What should I Keep doing, Improve on, Stop doing, Start doing….?
  • Ako Wānanga Kaitiaki Training: Training kaimahi to be Aro Wānanga facilitators

AKO WĀNANGA CO-DELIVERABLES (with hoa haere – internal and external) 

  • NOANatural Occurring Assessing, Activities, Achievements and Accomplishments (training in assessment design and moderation - applies Ako Wānanga lenses and meets our NZQA requirements.
  • Coaching: To develop and enhance critical thinking, reflective practice, excellence of communication; and promote actions for success (Meta Coaching & PATH Tools)
  • TetraWānanga: To reduce conflict;  leverage diversity that strengthens work and personal relationships and helps others do the same (TetraMap & PATH tools)
  • Think One Wānanga: Leading collaborative change. To unlock the potential that comes from thinking and acting as one team (Think One Team tool)


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Article By: James Ihaka

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