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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • 06 December 2022

    Exhibition on marae first for East Coast raranga tauira

    A desire to share knowledge on marae up the coast resulted in the first exhibition at Rāhui Marae for Talei Teariki’s Level 4 and 5 Raranga tauira recently. Titled ‘Waiapu’, the exhibition featured weavers from Rangitukia, Ruatōrea, Waipiro, Tikitiki, Te Araroa, Hicks Bay and Te Karaka.

  • 05 December 2022

    Kahu Collective

    The seed of Kahu Collective was planted back in 2013, when Lisa Harding, Cathy Payne and Corabelle Summerton crossed paths with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa’s stall at the Womens Expo, showcasing our Toi programmes.

  • 29 November 2022

    Dreams become reality through wānanga police prep programme

    Becoming a police officer had always been a dream for single mum, Tori Barton, so she was willing to do whatever it would take to make that dream a reality.

  • 10 November 2022

    Grandmother relearning the language she was once punished for speaking

    Papamoa local, Maggie Hautonga Currie has spent much of her adult life living in Perth but after 37 years she was missing her home, her people, her culture and her reo.

  • 31 October 2022

    Wānanga teacher makes good out of a childhood spent in foster care

    Pirini Edwards was a state ward going through boys’ homes and foster homes throughout his childhood. But it was these childhood experiences and life lessons that led him to his current mahi, teaching the Certificate in Bicultural Social Services at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

  • 26 October 2022

    Sharing knowledge integral part of being Māori

    Teaching and sharing knowledge is a natural and integral part of being Māori for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaiako (teacher), Rauangi Ohia.

  • 22 August 2022

    Toi Class Encourages Self-Discovery

    Karen Nel ventured onto the Toi Maruata course in Porirua to explore indigenous arts in this part of the world and found out more about herself in the process.

  • 10 August, 2022

    Entrepreneur Hits the Spot with Spice Blends

    A little over three years ago Kavita launched the label ‘Kavita’s Kitchen’ after completing the Certificate in Small Business and Project Management course in Wellington.

  • 25 July 2022

    Wendy-Lee pursues her passion

    Wendy-Lee McKee-Warner’s love for art started at high school, where she spent all her time hanging out in the art room.

  • 14 July 2022

    Filling the toi kete

    Innovative and motivating are just some of many words that describe the well-known toi guests who have been inspiring our tauira this semester.

  • 14 July 2022

    Toi Maruata – now enrolling for Semester B 2022

    The name Toi Maruata is a symbolic play on words and tikanga Māori concepts directly relevant to the rich genre of Indigenous art forms.

  • 13 July 2022

    Connecting to tūpuna through raranga

    When Raranga kaiako Laurette Madden-Morehu recieved a kete as a seven-year old at a whānau reunion, it ignited a lifelong curiosity of mahi raranga.

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