Complaints Process

Let’s get you on the right track with your complaint.

Please answer each question step by step to get the answer you’re looking for.

1. Is your complaint about cross credits i.e. you got a letter (or other communication) from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa saying the credits from a previous Te Wānanga o Aotearoa programme you’ve done can’t be counted towards your current Te Wānanga o Aotearoa programme?

If yes, then this is a cross credit issue. Please complete the Educational Review Application document.

If no, continue to question two.

2. Is your complaint about credit awards i.e. you got a letter (or other communication) from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa saying the credits you got somewhere else can’t be counted towards your current Te Wānanga o Aotearoa programme?

If yes, then this is a credit transfer/award issue. Please complete the Educational Review Application document.

If no, continue to question three.

3. Is your complaint about the results you got for an assessment?

If yes, then this is an assessment result issue. Please complete the Educational Review Application document.

If no, continue to question four.

4. Is your complaint about not getting the qualification for the programme you enrolled in?

If yes, then this is an award of qualification issue. Please complete the Educational Review Application document.

If no, continue to question five.

5. Is your complaint about getting a letter (or other communication) from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa saying you’ve broken rules or misbehaved in some way?

If yes, then this is an expectations of behaviour issue. Please complete the Educational Review Appeal Form document.

If no, continue to question six.

6. If your complaint is not about one of the above, have you tried sorting out the issue with the person or people you are complaining about?

No, but I’d like to look into this option

Yes, but we couldn’t sort it out and I want to make a formal complaint

No, I want to make a formal complaint

7. Appealing the outcome of a tauira complaint

If you wish to appeal the outcome of your complaint, please complete our tauira complaints appeal form and also, review our tauira complaints appeal process as well as the additional information about making an appeal.

Contact tauira complaints

Contact your local student support advisor


Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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