Educational Review and Appeal

We can support you for any educational decisions you might disagree with.

Request a review of a decision

If you want to request a review of a decision made on education matters relating to your studies, you need to complete and submit an application using the Educational Review Form document.

Education reviews:

If you’re unhappy with a decision made on an education matter relating to your studies you may request a review of that decision by completing an application for an education review.

Education review matters include:

  • Credit Recognition and Recognition of prior learning
  • Compassionate Consideration
  • Assessment Misconduct
  • Assessment
  • Assessment in Te Reo
  • Results
  • Extension
  • Re-submission / Re-assessment
  • Awards and Graduation.

Complaints / disputes related to all other regulations under Tikanga Ako would otherwise be dealt with under the Tauira Complaints Process.

Educational review and appeal process


Educational appeal

If you disagree with an educational review decision, you need to complete and submit an application using the educational appeal form.

An application using the education appeal form must be received by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa within 10 working days of the date of notification of the education review decision.

Contact tauira complaints

Contact your local student support advisor


Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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