Informal Resolution Strategies

We welcome opportunities to talk through and resolve any issues you are having.

“He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai” – If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive.

We encourage issues to be resolved informally

Issues dealt with informally are usually resolved relatively quickly because they don’t have to go through a formal process. You have a right to have your concern resolved this way if you choose.

Is it my issue or a group issue?

Make sure you understand what the issue is so that you or the group are able to explain it clearly:

  • “What is it that is making me unhappy?”
  • “Is this something that will affect my learning?”
  • “Do I just want to be heard and feel like my opinion matters?”

You may want to speak with whanau and friends who can act as a sounding board and give you honest feedback.

How to act

With your issue clear, act now before you forget anything important. Prepare and practice what you or the group are going to say.

Are you talking to the right person?

If you are not sure which kaimahi you should talk to – or you would like some more guidance – please contact your local student support advisor.

What outcome do you want?

Be clear what you or your group want as an outcome. It may be after discussions that a different outcome becomes evident. Be reasonable when asking for something to be put right. If your request to makes things right is fair and proportionate to your issue, you are more likely to get what you want.

Could it be a misunderstanding?

If possible, go back and talk to the person you dealt with in the beginning. Generally, it is a good idea to go back and talk with them. Sometimes the issue might be a misunderstanding or an honest mistake that could be put right straight away.

Do you need support?

If you need support, consider taking a whanau member, friend, or your student support advisor along with you. Whomever you have to support you make sure they can help you stay focused on the issue.

What evidence do I have?

Provide any notes, witnesses, or evidence detailing where, when, what or how the issue occurred. It is also important to keep notes and keep a paper trail until the issue is resolved.


Although discussions between yourself and kaimahi should be fair and open, tauira and kaimahi need to be thoughtful and considerate of each other by keeping all communications and proceedings confidential.

If, after this information resolution process, you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may make a formal complaint via our tauira complaints process.

Contact tauira complaints

Contact your local student support advisor


Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

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